Probleme: Kliniken, Politik, Gesellschaften und Mensch

The problems

The lack of organ donations in Germany is a politically misguided disaster. It is a so-called “system failure” across the board, which could be remedied with the “opposition rule in transplantation medicine”.

The five biggest and most important problems are:

Probleme: Kliniken, Politik, Gesellschaften und Mensch

The problems

The lack of organ donations in Germany is a politically misguided disaster. It is a so-called “system failure” across the board, which could be remedied with the “opposition rule in transplantation medicine”.

The five biggest and most important problems are:

Probleme: Kliniken, Politik, Gesellschaften und Mensch

The problems

The lack of organ donations in Germany is a politically misguided disaster. It is a so-called “system failure” across the board, which could be remedied with the “opposition rule in transplantation medicine”.

The five biggest and most important problems are:

1. Politician

Politicians from Die Grünen/Bündnis90, Die Linken and the AFD in Germany voted on January 16th, 2020 in the federal elections against the opt-out regulation in transplantation medicine (contrary to the majority of their actual party members, a survey shows this clearly.) which is used in many European countries practiced (link to voting result).

It is positive that the objection regulation has an almost constantly high success rate. Countries that use the opt-out system, of which there are 24 in Europe, tend to have very high levels of organ donation. Our neighbor Austria has an approval rating of 99.98% for the system.

Source: TheMunichEye

Organspendeproblem - politiker

1. Politician

Politicians from Die Grünen/Bündnis90, Die Linken and the AFD in Germany voted on January 16th, 2020 in the federal election against the opt-out regulation (contrary to the majority of their actual party members, a survey shows this clearly.), which is practiced in many European countries (Link to the voting result).

It is positive that the objection regulation has an almost constantly high success rate. Countries that use the opt-out system, of which there are 24 in Europe, tend to have very high levels of organ donation. Our neighbor Austria has an approval rating of 99.98% for the system.

Source: TheMunichEye

Organspendeproblem - politiker

What can we do?

The politicians of the parties mentioned (The Greens/B90, The Lefts and AfD) are not entirely up to date in their political efforts. After the Bundestag vote on January 16, 2020, the level of scientific medical knowledge and the medical-political education of these opponents of the objection regulation and these politicians are below the waist.

So that they neither do a “good service for Germany” nor do they make any effort for “humanity, which urgently needs sustainability and climate friendliness” in the current and also in the previous (Club of Rome defined it in 1972!) period.

There’s nothing you can do here except address these politicians (you can find emails on the respective website link above) and beg as a waiting patient or someone close to you!

Der Wartepatient.

2. Humans/Media

People have lost confidence in transplantation medicine since 2012 because of the organ donation scandals that were in the media. Serious policy violations of varying degrees were identified in the four transplant centers:

Systematic and deliberate misrepresentation of preference for certain patients. Clear indications of systematic misstatements. Documentation errors, careless mistakes, evaluation errors. Accelerated mediation procedures for liver donations.

Source: Wikipedia

Organspendeproblem - Skandale

2. Humans/Media

People have lost confidence in transplantation medicine since 2012 because of the organ donation scandals that were in the media. Serious policy violations of varying degrees were identified in the four transplant centers:

Systematic and deliberate misrepresentation of preference for certain patients. Clear indications of systematic misstatements. Documentation errors, careless mistakes, evaluation errors. Accelerated mediation procedures for liver donations.

Source: Wikipedia

Organspendeproblem - Skandale


The mainstream media in Germany (Der Spiegel, Focus, Stern and Die Zeit etc.) put organ donation in a negative light by hyping up the 2013 transplant scandal: organ trafficking, organ mafia and organ scandals were manifested in people’s minds through fake news. Wave then appeared

These were purely criminal cases and required forensic professionalism, which resulted in fear among people regarding organ transplantation due to the unscientific exaggeration of the issue by the fake media.

Here you can ask these mainstream media (emails can be found on the respective website link above) to treat the topic scientifically and callously (it is best to interview a transplant doctor with foresight), as in the neighboring European countries with the objection regulation in transplant medicine are active!

Der Wartepatient.

3. Politics

Politics has failed: On January 16, 2020, the German Bundestag rejected the objection regulation. With this regulation, e.B Spain has 4 times more supply of organs than Germany.

Otherwise, politicians are not trying to get the situation under control and are hiding themselves with party disagreements on such an important topic. This clearly shows the incompetence of the current health politicians of all parties in Germany. Der Wartepatient.

Organspendeproblem - Politik

What is the current situation?

-> Data and facts

3. Politics

Politics has failed: On January 16, 2020, the German Bundestag rejected the objection regulation. With this regulation, e.B Spain has 4 times more supply of organs than Germany.

Otherwise, politicians are not trying to get the situation under control and are hiding themselves with party disagreements on such an important topic. This clearly shows the incompetence of the current health politicians of all parties in Germany. Der Wartepatient.

Organspendeproblem - Politik

What is the current situation?

-> Data and facts

What we can do:

Since the new federal government (legislative period of the traffic light coalition), health policy in Germany has given priority to adapting legislation to non-regular methods (apparently this is intended to curb the pharmaceutical industry), e.g., see: legalization of cannabis.

Some of these politicians have taken up the cause of wanting to treat the population with narcotic drugs as a priority rather than improving the other conventional medical therapeutic methods or adapting them to this in a climate-friendly way.

To try to reshape these priorities in the minds of these health policymakers, waiting patients can see the bright spot below, write to the politicians mentioned (these are current politicians who could try again to bring the objection regulation as a law to the Bundestag for debate) and beg for the objection regulation in Germany (as well as over 20 other European countries). already have as legislation!) in the transplant legislation if there is a debate.

Emails and list of names can be found below!

Der Wartepatient.

4. Clinics

Transplantation medicine in the clinics have not implemented the requirements: they have received more funding since 2019. Despite this equality of transplant doctors, there is no improvement.

…A retrospective analysis in Germany proves that in 2019 twice as many organs could have been transplanted as was realised. If the clinics had referred these 2,300 cases for transplantation…

Source Research Gate

Organspendeproblem - Kliniken

What is the current situation?

-> Data and facts

4. Clinics

Transplantation medicine in the clinics have not implemented the requirements: they have received more funding since 2019. Despite this equality of transplant doctors, there is no improvement.

…A retrospective analysis in Germany proves that in 2019 twice as many organs could have been transplanted as was realised. If the clinics had referred these 2,300 cases for transplantation…

Source Research Gate

Organspendeproblem - Kliniken

What is the current situation?

-> Data and facts

What can we do?

Dear medical economist,

If you are a medical professional (a doctor who has taken a medical oath according to the Geneva Convention) and have to give priority to the health insurance flat rate for the economic benefit of your home, please do not address this to seriously ill people who urgently need an organ donation.

Der Wartepatient.

5. Societies

The societies active in transplantation medicine (associations and medical specialist societies) are overwhelmed by the problem. This became clear from the silence and acceptance of these companies in the federal elections on January 16, 2020, when the topic of “objection regulation” was voted on. Der Wartepatient.

Organspendeproblem - Gesellschaften

What is the current situation?

-> Data and facts

5. Societies

The societies active in transplantation medicine (associations and medical specialist societies) are overwhelmed by the problem. This became clear from the silence and acceptance of these companies in the federal elections on January 16, 2020, when the topic of “objection regulation” was voted on. Der Wartepatient.

Organspendeproblem - Gesellschaften

What is the current situation?

-> Data and facts


The associations and specialist medical societies (DGfN, DN, FNB etc.) are counterproductive, conflict-ridden and medically economical in their political efforts.

So that they do neither a “good service for medicine” nor for “humanity, which urgently needs sustainability and climate friendliness” in the current and also in the previous (Club of Rome defined it in 1972!) period.

There’s nothing you can do here except contact these economists (emails can be found on the respective website link above) and beg as a waiting patient!

Der Wartepatient.


Little Hope

You can also support our project so that the objection regulation is implemented in Germany and no waiting patients have to die due to a lack of organ donations! Give us a ray of hope! 🙏


Here is further information/websites regarding organ donation policy and the context of transplantation medicine in Germany:

buendnis pro transplant

Bündnis ProTransplant

The alliance ProTransplant is an association of patient associations and self-help groups.

buendnis pro transplant

Bündnis ProTransplant

The alliance ProTransplant is an association of patient associations and self-help groups.

NEWS: “On December 15, 2023, a motion to introduce an objection regulation will be voted on in the FEDERAL COUNCIL. That doesn’t mean that it will then become law, but it is an urgent request to the Bundestag.”

OUR REQUEST to you as a waiting patient/relative or carer/representative:

“Write to the politicians of the federal states so that they can discuss the legislation again.”

Here is a Word file that you can use as a template: Template WORD FILE for email

Here is the list of email addresses:

Kontakte der Bundesländer (15.12.2023)