Patient, Wartepatient und Organkrank

“Organ disease” and Wartepatient

Of course, when you see a doctor, a person is a patient who has to wait. But the dimension that an organ-sick person has to suffer can be defined here in Germany as a “waiting patient“. It can affect anyone, even with a different entry/exit of the medical history. Only one of these possible tales of woe is mentioned here (the following is taken from a narrative point of view!) :

Patient, Wartepatient und Organkrank

“Organ disease” and Wartepatient

Of course, when you see a doctor, a person is a patient who has to wait. But the dimension that an organ-sick person has to suffer can be defined here in Germany as a “waiting patient“. Es kann jedem treffen, auch mit einem anderen Ein-/ Ausgang der Krankengeschichte. Hier wird nur eines dieser möglichen Leidensgeschichten erwähnt:

Patient, Wartepatient und Organkrank

“Organ disease” and Wartepatient

Of course, when you see a doctor, a person is a patient who has to wait. But the dimension that an organ-sick person has to suffer can be defined here in Germany as a “waiting patient“.

Es kann jedem treffen, auch mit einem anderen Ein-/ Ausgang der Krankengeschichte. Hier wird nur eines dieser möglichen Leidensgeschichten erwähnt:

One morning, waking up with a clumsy, tired expression, the waiting patient looks in the mirror: “My face isn’t the same as always, maybe it’s the rings around my eyes?”. “Why don’t I feel so good? Is it edema perhaps or is that why I didn’t sleep well yesterday? Was it Alcohol? No, no and again no! Hm?”.

Wartepatıent muede
sekunden 00:07
Wartepatient Stop
sekunden 00:06

After a few days: “Otherwise, the vital situation of my body sometimes changes within the week, of course. But it has not improved, not after several two weeks. But now I consult my family doctor, there is really something wrong!”.

After waiting two and a half hours for the consultation, the general practitioner requests a blood count as soon as he has listened to the symptoms.

After the blood has been taken, you should present yourself here again two days later: “Please come back for the consultation!”.

During the following conversation with the doctor, who is completely sure, he writes: “It’s a …”, or rather he can only “suspicion of … or the number for that international coding for diseases (ICD)” on his device and refers or refers me to his colleagues with a: “…he is competent in this area!”.

Sure I think. Doctor afterwards: “Please take your pack of documents from your previous medical history with you, thank you!”.

So nice and so good, I think further: “We are still living in the 1950s, of course, or the beginning of the 1920s, and not the 2020s. Industrialization (and not digitization) is still ahead of us, yes!?.“ Keyword: Electronic patient file (german Elektronische Patientenakte, ePA)

Wartepatient Stop
sekunden 00:05
Wartepatient mit Infusionsflasche
sekunden 00:04

Now I come to this (after a very quick appointment, of course, it’s urgent!) Department of medicine.

These are either in the local practice of group doctors (so-called MVZ‘s) or more professionally in the next larger city (or if your city even has a university clinic with a medical faculty!) with a university clinic that ends in Latin in this area with …logy cover terms. “It will probably be found there.”

When I get there, I have another blood sample, this time with dozens of tubes. “One really asks oneself, what kind of expertise and expertise do doctors have these days, or do they have a deep slumber?” “Ouch, that stings, how many times do you still have to take the curve?” asks the waiting patient.

That’s not nearly as bad as what’s to come.

Wartepatient zum Arzt
sekunden 00:03
Wartepatient zum Arzt
sekunden 00:02

Depending on how quickly your insufficiency is progressing, your colleagues will first interpret your blood values. “Yeah, like that. But we need more details to be able to judge conclusively!”.

That probably means: The flesh is touched in more detail and more precisely, “Oh oooh”.

Although nowadays all insufficiencies can be diagnosed using blood value constellations:

  • score tables
  • XYZ Factors
  • Protein marker (molecular level)

are almost 100% detectable, “We need further investigations!” one or two colleagues or senior colleagues will advise you with a frightening look.

Wartepatient zum Arzt
sekunden 00:01
Stop, bleiben Sie hier
sekunden 00:00

If you are lucky, either only the x-ray (CT, MRI, PET or X-ray in radiology) will be carried out, which is of course the gentle way, or these will go straight to the marrow: tissue removal, biopsy and / or spinal cord fluid removal, etc. If you are unlucky you will then be consulted immediately in the operative clinic.

One morning, waking up with a clumsy, tired expression, the waiting patient looks in the mirror: “My face isn’t the same as always, maybe it’s the rings around my eyes?”. “Why don’t I feel so good? Is it edema perhaps or is that why I didn’t sleep well yesterday? Was it Alcohol? No, no and again no! Hm?”.

Wartepatıent muede
sekunden 00:07

After a few days: “Otherwise, the vital situation of my body sometimes changes within the week, of course. But it has not improved, not after several two weeks. But now I consult my family doctor, there is really something wrong!”.

After waiting two and a half hours for the consultation, the general practitioner requests a blood count as soon as he has listened to the symptoms.

After the blood has been taken, you should present yourself here again two days later: “Please come back for the consultation!”.

Wartepatient vor Doctor
sekunden 00:06

During the following conversation with the doctor, who is completely sure, he writes: “It’s a …”, or rather he can only “suspicion of … or the number for that international coding for diseases (ICD)” on his device and refers or refers me to his colleagues with a: “…he is competent in this area!”.

Sure I think. Doctor afterwards: “Please take your pack of documents from your previous medical history with you, thank you!”.

So nice and so good, I think further: “We are still living in the 1950s, of course, or the beginning of the 1920s, and not the 2020s. Industrialization (and not digitization) is still ahead of us, yes!?.“ Keyword: Electronic patient file (german Elektronische Patientenakte, ePA)

Wartepatient Stop
sekunden 00:05

Now I come to this (after a very quick appointment, of course, it’s urgent!) Department of medicine.
These are either in the local practice of group doctors (so-called MVZ‘s) or more professionally in the next larger city (or if your city even has a university clinic with a medical faculty!) with a university clinic that ends in Latin in this area with …logy cover terms. “It will probably be found there.”

Wartepatient mit Infusionsflasche
sekunden 00:04

When I get there, I have another blood sample, this time with dozens of tubes. “You really ask yourself what kind of expertise and expertise do doctors have these days, or do they have a deep sleep?”

“That’s not nearly as bad as what’s to come.”

Wartepatient zum Arzt
sekunden 00:03

Depending on how quickly your insufficiency is progressing, your colleagues will first interpret your blood values. “Yeah, like that. But we need more details to be able to judge conclusively!”.

That probably means: The flesh is touched in more detail and more precisely, “Oh oooh”.

Wartepatient zum Arzt
sekunden 00:02

Although nowadays all insufficiencies can be diagnosed using blood value constellations such as

  • score tables
  • XYZ Factors
  • Protein marker (molecular level)

are almost 100% ascertainable, “…we need further investigations!” one or the other specialist colleague will advise you with a frightening look.

Wartepatient zum Arzt
sekunden 00:01

If you are lucky, either only the x-ray (CT, MRI, PET or X-ray in radiology) will be carried out, which is of course the gentle way, or these will go straight to the marrow: tissue removal, biopsy and / or spinal cord fluid removal, etc. If you are unlucky you will then be consulted immediately in the operative clinic.

Stop, bleiben Sie hier
sekunden 00:00

Nach pathologischer Betrachtung und Einschätzung der Gewebeproben bzw. Zuhilfenahme und Bestätigung des “dritten” Fachfachkollegen ist dann der “Verdacht” zu einer “Diagnose” endmutiert.

Finally, phew, that was a difficult birth! and then you are finally “organically ill”.

Depending on which organ is affected, you will be admitted to a “program” as quickly as possible and placed on a list with the other “waiting patients”. Now we have to wait and see.

Unless you have kidney disease, which accounts for over 80% of waiting patients, then you will only be treated when you are sick. Why? Since the waiting time for a dialysis patient is the most unbearable and longest.!

Read more here

Waiting patient is a real existing structure, why is it not defined? “Patient is already the term for patience or waiting, why are you still making us waiting patients?

Waiting is another thing: If you are lucky (in this case, luck is “you are really bad”), you will get an “HU” for “high urgent” at Eurotransplant in the Netherlands for your waiting list entry .

The waiting time for a donor organ, according to the DSO Deutsche Stiftung Organtransplantation, is on average 9-11 years in Germany, namely for a kidney transplant.


Waiting patient, dependent on a heart transplant, has to struggle with a long and nerve-wracking waiting time for a donor organ. This dies if it is not transplanted in time. There are artificial hearts which, to put it mildly, enable heart disease people to survive for up to a year. But many patients die before they have the saving, possibly life-extending, donor heart transplanted due to a lack of donor organs here in Germany.

Here you can listen to an interview about a heart transplant in a podcast on Spotify (german language):

Interview with Jürgen Boie: From a dream vacation in the Caribbean to a heart transplant


Waiting patient who is dependent on a donor organ also has to struggle with a very long waiting time. This dies even if it is not transplanted in time. As a rule, those patients who are dependent on a lung transplant have a life expectancy of less than 2-3 years and are extremely limited in their resilience and quality of life. These must then be classified as HU (high urgent) so that they may receive the life-extending transplant. But here in Germany, the number of organ donations has been pretty desolate in recent years.

support group “COPD/Lungenemphysem”


Waiting patient, dependent on a liver transplant, also has a very short chance of survival. Since the waiting time for a donor organ is very long, it will probably succumb to the disease, because there is no replacement therapy for survival except liver transplantation. The liver is still the most complicated organ, so a replacement therapy for it has still not been invented.

Support group “Leberzirrhose/-fibrose”


Waiting patient, dependent on a kidney transplant, has a good chance of survival while waiting for the possibly life-prolonging donor organ.

Although dialysis patients have a treatment option with kidney replacement therapy (dialysis) that extends their lives (the record is 50 years), the accompanying illnesses literally make their lives difficult and sometimes unbearable.

The average waiting time for a kidney transplant in Germany is currently 9-11 years.

What does “kidney disease” mean?

Support Group: “Menschen auf der Warteliste bei Eurotransplant”


Waiting patient dependent on a pancreas, large / small intestine or cornea (tissue) donation has a relatively good chance of survival while waiting for a donor or tissue organ that improves quality of life. But only if, before irreversible damage to the organ occurs, treatment can be given early and an organ donation can be avoided, otherwise it can be too late.