Tradie Health Institute May 2024 Update
The Tradie Health Institute’s support continues to expand, as does investment in the research and equipment required to improve health outcomes for persons affected by or at risk of occupational lung disease. Here are some of the results produced via the Tradie Health Institute.
💚 Australian First: Groundbreaking Research using the PExA Machine.
Researchers backed by The Prince Charles Hospital Foundation and its initiative, the Tradie Health Institute, are starting on a pioneering research project, made possible by the loan of cutting-edge technology from Sweden. This effort might transform lung research in Australia and beyond.
💚 The whole lung lavage trial continues.
The Tradie Health Institute, in collaboration with devoted researchers, is committed to early identification and novel therapies for occupational lung disorders such as silicosis.
💚 On-site research grows with new technologies.
Researchers at the Queensland Lung Transplant Service Research Centre are working on exciting new projects owing to funding from the Tradie Health Institute. They will soon have a cutting-edge cell sorter, which is an intriguing addition with the potential to open up new paths of study that were previously out of reach.
💚 Advancing research with dedicated support
In the quest for innovative medical discoveries that may alter and save lives, time is a precious resource for researchers. Thanks to recently received research funding, devoted researchers will now have more time and resources to tackle occupational lung illnesses front-on.
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