National Donate Life Month (NDLM), celebrated annually in April, was established by @donatelifeamerica to raise awareness of donation; encourage the community to register as organ, eye, and tissue donors; and celebrate those who have saved lives through the gift of life.

The 2024 National Donate Life Month artwork and theme, Donors are SuperStars, was inspired by the night sky and the billions of stars that make up the universe. Stars remind us that even in the darkest night, there is light. Your decision to be an organ, eye and tissue donor gives hope and light to the 100,000 people on the national transplant waiting list who are waiting for a second chance at life.

To learn how you can get involved, please visit

#NationalDonateLifeMonth #DonateLifeMonth #DonateLife #NewJerseySharingNetwork #NJSN #OrganDonation #OrganDonor #TissueDonation #TissueDonor #DonateLifeAmerica @njsharingnetwork
