Did you know that just 30% of Australians aged 15 to 64 got the flu vaccine last year? Even if you are not at high risk of getting the flu, your vaccine will help protect people who are.
Remember that you may get the vaccination at your local pharmacy or ask your doctor whether it is available at your next visit.
The flu vaccine is inexpensive, and it may even be free if you are over 65, a First Nations person, pregnant, have a lung illness such as COPD or bronchiectasis or live in a specified state. Consult your healthcare practitioner.
For further information, please visit @lungfoundation at https://lungfoundation.com.au/patients-carers/living-with-a-lung-disease/other-lung-conditions/influenza/
Please visit the Department of Health and Aged Care at https://www.health.gov.au/influenza-vaccination 🌿
#TPCH #TransplantAwareness #DonateLife #lungitudefoundation #OrganAndTissueDonation #TransplantAustralia #thecommongoodau #QueenslandLungTransplantService #LungFoundationAustralia #LungsInAction #ageilityfit #amtanmedicals #DoubleLungTransplant #LungTransplant #PulmonaryFibrosis #PulmonaryRehab #InterstitialLungDisease #OrganDonor #LungDisease #TheGiftOfLife #itonlytakesaminute #DonateALife #Registertoday #talktoyourfamily #lunghealthaustralia #EveryBreathSheTakes 🌿
The content covers organ and tissue donation and transplantation within Australia and is for information only, and does not replace medical advice. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional services, medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The content is to help raise awareness of the need for organ and tissue donation and the benefits of transplantation. I have made every reasonable effort to ensure the correctness of the information provided but do not guarantee any item. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult a healthcare professional or your transplant team.
