Conscious breathing is one of the most potent transforming tools at our disposal, yet despite yoga’s widespread appeal, it remains mostly unexplored. People are surprised to discover that they don’t actually know how to breathe. Of course, everyone reading this right now is inhaling and exhaling, but this does not imply that they are breathing in a manner that will have a big influence on them.
The following are some of the health advantages of aware breathing:
💚 Stronger lungs with significantly enhanced capacity
💚 A healthier heart and stronger diaphragm
💚 In some situations, the capacity to repair asthma while simultaneously breaking the habit of smoking
💚 The neurological system is soothed, reducing tension, decreasing blood pressure and heart rate, and therefore promoting sleep and sustaining a more enhanced mental state when awake.
💚 Enables us to recognise and repair emotional scars from the past.
Making breathing activities a part of your regular routine will result in significant change.🌿
#TPCH #TransplantAwareness #DonateLife #lungitudefoundation #OrganAndTissueDonation #TransplantAustralia #thecommongoodau #QueenslandLungTransplantService #LungFoundationAustralia #LungsInAction #ageilityfit #amtanmedicals #DoubleLungTransplant #LungTransplant #PulmonaryFibrosis #PulmonaryRehab #InterstitialLungDisease #OrganDonor #LungDisease #TheGiftOfLife #itonlytakesaminute #DonateALife #Registertoday #talktoyourfamily #lunghealthaustralia #EveryBreathSheTakes 🌿
The content covers organ and tissue donation and transplantation within Australia and is for information only, and does not replace medical advice. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional services, medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The content is to help raise awareness of the need for organ and tissue donation and the benefits of transplantation. I have made every reasonable effort to ensure the correctness of the information provided but do not guarantee any item. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult a healthcare professional or your transplant team.
